they tell you,
alcohol is addictive
it kills you slow.
they say,
destroy you,
drives you crazy.
is for the fanatics,
and i am not one.
and suicide, they say
is for cowards
though everyone
is afraid of death.
i have just one question.
when music
makes me fight
memories i need to forget
when i drive
and miss
the other hand on the gearknob,
holding mine
when i eat
and cant see
those stifled giggles
on how i lick my plate
when i write
on the sand
my name beside her's
and watch helplessly
as the sea
swallows a dream alive
time after time
when i crave
that head on my chest,
the breath on my neck,
the taste of her cracked lips
that strand of hair
to tuck behind her ear
answer me.
tell me how.
give me a way
to numb the pain
to not to remember
a life lost.
show me how
to forget
(image: water colour by gaya)