Now that you are gone
I feel like
I am a newborn.
I was Atlas*
Your love
was the world on my shoulders
Now that the world lies shattered
Once again,
I can stand up tall.
I can stand up straight
Stretch my hands
And lock eyes with the sun.
Those thick roots
that covered every inch of me
Recede back.
I am naked again,
I can feel
The wind , the heat and sweat
on my pale bare skin again.
Now that you are gone
I can strum endless on my guitar
and not sing a word for you.
I can start
'thinking' again
and not dream always.
I see,
Hear and taste
The world anew.
I can cut away my veins,
The pain
would only be mine to bear,
and not share.
And if you plan to do the same,
or even just be happy,
I don't want to share either.
Call me selfish.
I don't care.
I feel so feathery light,
I believe I can fly.
My breaths
Are not heavy anymore.
I am Roark. **
I am free.
**Howard Roark