Friday, July 10, 2015

Make smart food choices

A bulge in the lower abdomen, those jowls of fat under your chin, those puffed up cheeks, not exactly the confidence boosters when you are hoping to make an impression. And all these get a little exaggerated in the summer, you can’t hide your belly under thick jackets or sweaters, and your double chin won’t go under the turtle neck. Add to that all the empty calories you gain from the sugars in your juices and ice creams, you are at risk of being in a really bad shape.

Unlike the popular misconception, you don’t need to be starving to lose the extra flab. You just have to eat smart. The first step is being aware of the nutritional value of what you are eating. You will be surprised how much those snacks which you have as a routine, but don’t like much anyway add to your calorie count. You will find out most of your daily extra carbohydrates are from things you have as a habit, not ones you particularly enjoy. Once you have identified the major culprits, you can make intelligent substitutes – having more protein, less calories and less calories. You will be surprised to find that there are some foods which will make your body burn more calories than what the actually add. So open the browser, and do some basic research. Or even better, and if you can afford one, hire a dietician.

One simple way of cutting down calories is to stick to natural foods and stay away from any sort of processing. By default most naturally occurring food items are better for you. Even simple processes have effects, for example if you are trying to lose weight, fruits are good for you but fruit juices are not.

One simple way to do this is to substitute honey for sugar. Sugar is bad for you in so many ways, it adds umpteen numbers of empty calories, has a high glycemic index, and adds to your fat stores as well. And it is not filling, so it doesn’t satisfy your hunger and you end up eating again quickly. It is also mildly addictive. But most of us can’t live without some sweet or other. That is where honey becomes a healthy, smart alternative. It is natural and not processed, adds much fewer calories than sugar, is easily digested, and makes you fuller. It also has a lot more vitamins, minerals,and anti oxidants that are super good for you. So ditch that sugar jar, and grab a bottle of Dabur honey ( of the shelf next time you are in the supermarket. It is super good for you, and not to mention, super tasty. My recommendation, add it to some iced lemon or green tea for sweetness, and there s another dose of anti oxidants for you right there.

Eating healthy is not just about looking god, it is also about keeping yourself is healthy. A crash diet is not the way to go - it will make you lose your muscle mass and lower your metabolic rate and will be harmful for you in the long run. Also, it will be very difficult to sustain. Eat smart, know about what you eat, and make smart, healthy, nutritious choices like Dabur honey. This summer, stay healthy.

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Stealing byes

Cricket, apart from the twenty twenty format, is a long, time consuming game to follow. And as someone who is a connoisseur of test cricket, it gets even longer. You want to watch every ball, every shot, and hear every word of commentary, and savour it like a nice sip of vintage wine, but too often, life gets in the way. For fans, keeping track of cricket scores while carrying on with life is something that requires stealth and street smartness, just like batsmen who expertly steal byes.

Growing up as a kid in the 90s, which sounds an archaic world without mobile phones or internet, keeping track of cricket was never easy. Your only sources of information were television sets, and board exam or entrance exam oriented parents made sure you never got enough of it. You had to be smart enough to switch on the TV and a catch a few balls as soon as their attention was elsewhere. Switching on the TV during your dad’s nap and muting it before the broadcast started was so that there won’t be any noise, was a skill in itself. Balconies were the other source; with kids in the neighbourhood relaying scores in sign language as soon as them one of them got info.

Later mobile phones became commoner, and information was always at your fingertips. Still, nothing could beat the pleasure of actually watching cricket, which was a very difficult thing to do while travelling. This is the reason why television showrooms across the country have become mini screening centres, with the public thronging outside them whenever India plays.  And they have a special atmosphere of their own, with the joys and despairs of the game being shared with a multitude of unknown.

Even with smartphones, it is not easy to keep track of the game always. Your boss or your wife can get frustrated with your fidgetiness and checking your phone for updates every ten seconds. It calls for innovative ideas on its own – the usual ones being frequent bathroom and tea breaks. To your boss, you say it is an important message from home, to your wife you say it is an important mail from your boss. At your workstation, you have the update page minimized or a web extension to know scores.  If none of these works, there are of course those whatsapp groups with similar addict, at least one of which Is sure to post some updates.  There is also the added advantage of being able to discuss the game in detail and have some fan fights there – so who was a better test batsman –Sachin or Rahul ?

Today, there are live streaming websites to watch Cricket, and things like UC Cricket which make it much easier to actually watch the game on your phablets or tablets, leave alone getting just score updates.  Sometimes, especially while travelling in a metro or a bus or a train, you become a mini broadcaster yourself, with fellow passengers flocking around your device to find out what is happening. Only problem, unless you have a seat, balancing isn't always easy. It has taken some charm away from the feverish anticipation to get updates surely, but there will always be a need to be smart. After all, Cricket is a long game. And life gets in the way too often.

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